Registration is now closed.

Symposium details

Following the resounding success of last academic year's events, the GCI Symposium is making a triumphant return, this time in collaboration with McGill University.

Our 9th annual symposium, titled “Making Greener Choices: A more sustainable approach to chemistry”, aims to encourage students to implement more sustainable practices in their research, teaching, and careers. The symposium is designed to connect students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty members interested in Green Chemistry with current leaders in the field to discuss advances in chemical processes and the future of sustainable research practices. Building upon last year's goal of establishing a unified definition of Green Chemistry, our principal focus this year is to equip attendees with practical tools, empowering them to integrate green chemistry into their research and educational pursuits.

The symposium is a two and a half-day event which will start on May 15th-17th, 2024. All symposium events will be held at the University of Toronto – St. George Campus at medical sciences building MS2158 in the JJR Macleod Auditorium.

We have decided to close virtual registration due to low interest. This year's symposium will be in-person only. To increase accessibility--we are offering discounts on ticket prices for undergraduate students and students attending nearby Ontario institutions. Interested students please contact for more information.

This year’s Symposium features:

Travel scholarship opportunities available for students

An opening networking event

A research poster session (prizes will be awarded)

All-inclusive breakfast, lunch, refreshments, and coffee

A workshop with ACS GCI

Seminar talks on Green and Sustainable innovations in the industry

An excellent chance to network with current sustainability experts for future job opportunities

Important Dates

November 24, 2024 – Registration opens

April 8 2024 – Early bird registration closed at 11:59 pm EDT

April 21st - Travel Scholarship Application closed at 11:59PM

April 31, 2024 – Regular registration closes at 11:59 pm EDT

Poster Abstract and Travel Scholarship Application

Poster Abstract submission is now closed due to high interest.

Travel Scholarships are now closed due to high interest. We try our best to accommodate as many interested green chemists as possible, however we are limited as we are a student organization with limited funds.

*Attendees traveling from Quebec can apply for a Quebec-specific travel grant, coordinated by McGill GCI. Contact for more information*

Cost and Registration

Early Bird Registration: Closes April 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm EDT

The cost of the symposium is $45 CAD for early bird registration.

Regular Registration: until April 29, 2024

Regular registration cost is $55 CAD.

The registration fee includes all symposium events, as well as breakfast, lunch, refreshments and coffee that will be provided as part of the symposium program on the full-schedule days (May 15th and 17th, 2024). Registration does not include accommodation and travel fees.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all symposium events will occur in the medical sciences building MS2158 in the JJR Macleod Auditorium.


The nearest accommodations can be found at New College residences at the University of Toronto St. George campus. The symposium begins on Wednesday afternoon, May 15th and ends on Friday afternoon, May 17th. Student rates are available at New College residence. You will be required to book accommodation on your own, but we are happy to assist or provide more information. Remember to book well ahead of time to ensure your accommodation!


University of Toronto maps can be found at UofT Map.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions. Make sure to check back or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for more updates!

GCI symposium 2024 Organizing Committee

University of Toronto

Samihat Rahman
Francisco Yarur V

Mina Stefanovic (head)
Mahtab Abtahi
Wendy Wu

Peter Liu

Website and Outreach
Lea Goutal (head)
Shine Huang (website)
Maggie Wang
Joe Wadden
Joaquin Chin

Valeria Morozova

Olivia Mann-Delany

Graphic Design
Andrés Gonzalez

Victor Lotoki (head)
Guillermo Lozano Onrubia
Hao Xu
Andrew Chang
Teh Ren Hou

McGill University

Daliah Farajat
Jasmine Hong
Galen Yang
Julian Marlyn
Gagan Daliaho
Jorge Ramos
Maddy Wolff
Ben Ennifer
Ariel Zheng