The GCI started in September 2012 after a group of graduate students realized they all had a mutual interest in learning about green chemistry. From that point, we have grown into the organization that we are today, still run by students and still dedicated to promoting green chemistry in research and education. Here are the people that make it all happen!

Interested in joining our team? We are always interested in new Members-at-Large - email us at to find out how you can join!

Executive Members

Samihat Rahman

Symposium Co-ordinator | Co-Chair

I joined the Wilson Group in 2022 as a graduate student. I'm currently investigating quantum dot-sensitized photon upconversion in solid-state devices while also doing some optical spectroscopy on the side. I believe green chemistry is essential and of utmost importance for the pursuit of science, as well as in terms of finding solutions to many widespread issues. I'm excited to coordinate this year's symposium and continue the tradition of connecting, reflecting on, and advancing green chemistry across Canada and beyond.

Karolina Rabeda

Symposium Co-ordinator | Co-Chair

I joined the Lautens group in 2022 as a PhD student. My research work focuses on carbofluorination chemistry. I completed my BSc and my MSc at U of T, focusing on catalysis, a green alternative to stoichiometric reactions. My goal in joining the GCI is to be a part of a community that is interested in looking for green, safe and efficient alternatives in chemistry that can have a positive and sustainable impact.

Peter Liu

Symposium Co-ordinator

I am a fourth-year PhD student in the Seferos group working on polymer and battery materials. I am glad to be part of the Green Chemistry Initiative and promote the green chemistry principles!

Jack Lin

Symposium Head of Finance | Treasurer

I am a 4th year graduate student in the Song group studying small molecule activation by transition metals. I believe that green methods for the utilization of abundant small molecules is a fruitful area of research, and I hope to contribute to the GCI to further my passion for green chemistry.

Olivia Mann-Delany

Seminar Series Coordinator

I am a first year graduate student co-supervized with Prof. Helen Tran and Prof. Landon Edgar. I'm looking forward to promoting green chemistry through the Seminar Series.

Jacob Przywolski


My name is Jacob Przywolski, and I am a first-year graduate student in the Seferos group. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, and have previously worked in the Stephan lab and then the Seferos lab for my undergraduate thesis project. Currently working on membrane polymers for use in CO2 electrolyzers. Outside of the group, I enjoy cooking and baking, playing video games, making cocktails, and spending time with friends.

Victor Lotocki

Symposium Head of Finance

I am a PhD candidate in the Seferos group, where I work on the synthesis and self-assembly of conjugated polymers. This is my third year in the GCI, where I'm returning to help with symposium funding. I've previously volunteered as treasurer and secretary.

Lea Goutal


I am a fourth-year undergraduate student completing my thesis in the Wilson group, investigating silver-based quantum dot-sensitized photon upconversion as a sustainable alternative to lead-based counterparts. As a member of the GCI since my first year, I look forward to promoting green practices in my new role as the Outreach Executive

Ryan De Gennaro

Website Content Co-ordinator

Hello! As a PhD candidate in the Bender group at UofT, my research has focused on a holistic approach for synthesizing small organic molecules in a sustainable fashion to replace the need for petrochemicals in traditional organic synthesis. The final goal of my research is to integrate these synthetic targets into current technologies to allow for the sustainable fabrication of organic solar cells, medical imaging technologies, and industrially relevant dyes and pigments. I hope to spread awareness of the GCI to the local educational and industrial community in the coming months!

Rachel Mander

University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) Representative

Hi my name is Rachel and I'm a first-year PhD student in the Korzynski group at UTM. My research focuses on modifying metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) using inorganic chemistry techniques to develop novel platforms for heterogeneous catalysis. I joined GCI to help get UTM more involved with green chemistry and promote more sustainable research practices.

Camille Tsang

Social Media Co-ordinator

I am a first-year graduate student in the Murphy group working on developing a low-cost sensor to monitor ammonia emissions in poultry farms. I joined GCI to help promote green chemistry at UofT and in the chemistry community.

Kimia Hosseini

Social Media Co-ordinator

I am a first-year graduate student in the Seferos group working on the development of polymeric materials for applications in batteries. I did my undergrad at UBC with Prof. Mehrkhodavandi and Prof. Schafer. I am excited to be a part of GCI and promote green chemistry and sustainability.

Wendy Wu

Symposium Logistics Head

I am a second-year PhD student in the Korzynski group exploring unique lanthanide reactivity and synthesizing tailored magnetic materials for information storage in classical and quantum computing. I joined the GCI and the symposium committee to inform myself of the multitude of ways that green chemistry fundamentals can be integrated into research practices. I am thrilled to take a greater role in the year's symposium and grow our community.


Prof. John De Backere

Faculty Representative

John De Backere earned his B.Sc. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from McMaster University in 2018. John's university teaching career began at the University of Toronto in 2019, and in 2021 he was appointed to the teaching-stream faculty. His teaching primarily focuses on inorganic chemistry and the first-year general chemistry courses. His research interests are centered around the fields of Inorganic chemistry and chemistry education, in particular aspects of laboratory instruction, including incorporating green chemistry and sustainability practices, course-based research experiences, as well as interests in developing/incorporating innovative learning technologies.

Members at Large

Sarah Liu

Hi! I'm Sarah Liu, a second-year undergraduate in the Biological Chemistry Specialist program. I'm very passionate about drug and cancer research, as well as sustainability. This is my first year as a member of the GCI and I'm excited to help spark the excitement for Green Chemistry and make a lasting impact by spreading knowledge in creative and meaningful ways!

Cici Yue

Hi, this is Cici Yue. I am a third-year undergraduate student majoring Environmental Chemistry and Forest Conservation Science. This is my second year in GCI. In the past year I volunteered for the Green Chemistry symposium (2024). I wrote blog posts about experiments and new discoveries on Green Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. I believe green chemistry is essential to the development of chemistry as well as environmental pollution. I am excited about learning and promoting green chemistry in our community.

Serena Zuyun Qiu

I am a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Seferos research group. My research focuses on developing bio-derived polymers for use in organic batteries. I'm passionate about sustainable materials and excited to be part of the GCI to support green chemistry initiatives.

Armaan Grewal

I'm a second-year graduate student in the Lautens group working on catalysis, specifically making novel compounds utilizing palladium. I'm excited to promote green chemistry in our community and be a part of GCI!

Karen Weech

Hi, I'm Karen, a second-year undergraduate student specializing in Materials Science within the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. I'm passionate about discovering and devloping innovative, sustainable materials and strive to advance green chemistry awareness in academia and industry.

Victoria Kirou

Hello! I’m Victoria, the Teaching Laboratory technician for the Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (I wear a pink lab coat, so it’s hard to miss me running around Lash Miller)!

I earned my BASc. in Chemical Engineering from UofT in June 2022 and started working here in August 2022 (couldn’t get enough of UofT!). I was very passionate about “green engineering” in my undergrad, especially in the oil and gas industry. In my 4th year I published a research paper with two other peers that highlights the future of oil and gas in the next 25 years, and the need for this industry as a whole to shift towards cleaner and greener technologies!

Past Members

Shine Huang | Teh Ren (Terry) Hou | Jaoquin Carlos Chu | Hayden Chalmers | Hao (Tom) Xu | Austin Cheng | Maggie Wang | Alicia Battaglia | Eloi Grignon | Victor Lotocki | Francisco Yarur | Hana El-Haddad | Laura Hoch | Erika Daley | Matthew Gradiski | Margaret Zhang | Shreya Kanade | Guillermo Lozano Onrubia | Brian Tsui | Jose Jimenez | Nina-Francesca Farac | Melanie Mastronardi | Nadine Borduas | Raj Dhiman | Rebecca Courtemanche | Alessandra Augurusa | Alex Waked | Anna Bravakis | Annabelle Wong | Bekir Buyukkocabas | Ben Rennie | Brian De La Franier | Bryony McAllister | Connie Tang | Cookie Cho | Cynthia Cheung | David Djenic | Devon Holst | Diya Zhu | Elisa Carrera | Elyse Henderson | Fettah Erdogan | Gabrielle Hoover | Gustav Wulf | Ian Mallov | Isla Wrightson | James LaFortune | Jay Chi | Jessica Sonnenberg | Jonathon Moir | Judy Tsao | Julia Bayne | Juri Mobus | Karl Demmans | Karlee Bamford | Kenneth Chen | Kevin Szkop | Kiril Fedorov | Kurtis Judd | Laura Reyes | Levy Cao | Lilin Tong | Lisa Kozycz | Maria Karcz | Mark Miltenburg | Meera Mehta | Megan Willis | Molly Sung | Nicolas Karbaliotis | Peter Mirtchev | Qusai Hassan | Rachel Hems | Ryan Andrews | Samantha Smith | Sarah Kavassalis | Sarah Simon | Shawn Postle | Shira Joudan | Shivanthi Sriskandha | Suzanne Ross | Trevor Janes | Walter Liang | Wendy (Shoushou) He | Yuchan Dong | Yuju Kim | Zoe Golay